Beat the Heat: 5 Ways to Eat Healthy This Summer
Summertime is synonymous with patio drinks, barbeques, pool parties and other indulgences that arise when the good weather shows up. These temptations may make it more difficult to stay healthy during the summer months. Whether you’re at home or taking some time to travel this season, here are 5 helpful tips on how to stay […]

Meatless Monday Madness!
What are Meatless Mondays, you ask? This decade old concept suggests planning a meal without meat one day a week: Mondays! This campaign originated out of John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and has since expanded to 44 countries around the globe1. The goal? To improve human, animal and environmental health through reduction of meat […]

How to Make a Balanced Smoothie
Smoothies are refreshing, convenient and nutritious meals or snacks on-the-go. One of my favourite things about smoothies are the endless possibilities. Not to mention, they’re a great way to use up the odds and ends left over in your fridge or freezer! To be honest, this is how I came up with my berry beet […]

Nutrition Spotlight: Quinoa
Have you ever tried quinoa? Do you know how to cook it? Did you know that NASA considered quinoa as a desirable food for long-term space flights back in 1993? Well, neither did I! Read on to discover more about this popular food. Over the last few years quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) has become quite popular […]

All About Avocados: How to Choose, Open, Ripen, and Use this Nutrient Packed Fruit!
This nutrient packed creamy fruit, also known as the alligator pear, is an amazing addition to your diet! Read on for tips and tricks for choosing, ripening, opening and using avocados. Avocados are rich in healthy fat, vitamin E and fibre. They can act as “nutrient-boosters” by helping your body absorb fat-soluble vitamins from other foods […]

New Year, New Nutrition
I hope you had a very happy holiday season and a memorable 2016! With the start of the New Year, many of you may be reflecting on what you accomplished in the past year and what you would like to achieve in the upcoming months. I commonly hear from clients that they would like to […]

Healthy Holiday Eating
With fresh snow on the ground and decorations aplenty – it’s holiday season, and that means sweets and treats wherever you go! Whether you are walking through the mall, visiting with family and friends or at work – temptation seems to present itself quite frequently this time of year. But, with a little planning and […]

Cold Season Cures
It’s November and you know what that means… cold season is among us! Nothing is worse than catching a bad cold – sore throat, low energy, runny nose and the list goes on. In order to prevent getting sick, it’s important to make sure your body is well prepared to fight off any bugs that […]

Pass the Pumpkin Please!
October is finally here which means it is pumpkin season! At this time of year, we find ourselves surrounded by pumpkin-flavoured treats such as pumpkin bread, muffins, cookies, pie and lattes. A lot of the time, these pumpkin treats are filled with added sugars, unhealthy fats and empty calories. Although, pumpkin itself is a healthy […]

Hydration for Health
With the extremely warm weather on the rise, it’s a helpful reminder to stay hydrated! Hydration is important not only during the summer months, but throughout the year. Water is one of the most essential nutrients for health and it is key for all body functions. The human body can’t survive without water for more […]