Healthy Holiday Eating
With fresh snow on the ground and decorations aplenty – it’s holiday season, and that means sweets and treats wherever you go!
Whether you are walking through the mall, visiting with family and friends or at work – temptation seems to present itself quite frequently this time of year.
But, with a little planning and mindfulness, you can enjoy your favorite treats over the holidays, while continuing to lead a healthy lifestyle!
From our grounded kitchen to yours, here are some tips and tricks to help you navigate through your holiday eating.
Grounded Nutrition Tips for the Holiday Season:
- Choose the healthy options first. This is especially important if you are at a potluck or cocktail-style party. Fill up on the nutritious dishes first as this will help avoid overindulging in the empty calorie food options! The healthier options are usually higher in protein and fibre, which are the two nutrients that will help you continue to feel full throughout the night.
- Out of Sight, Out of Mind. As best you can, avoid standing near tables filled with sweets and treats. That way you aren’t tempted to mindlessly grab a handful of chips or chocolate every few minutes. We’ve all been there and know how tempting those buffet tables can be! Instead, serve yourself some food on a smaller plate and enjoy a conversation with family and friends.
- Contribute a healthy dish to the gathering. That way you know there will be a healthy option you can enjoy at the party. Encourage your close friends and family to bring a healthy dish as well. In the past, I have proposed to my family and friends that they try to make a more healthy and delicious dish than mine – whatever works, right?
- Be mindful of portion size. Choose a smaller plate at meal time. Research has shown that people tend to over-serve on larger plates which results in over-consumption. Also, don’t forget to fill at least half of your plate with veggies!
- Avoid drinking your calories. Alcoholic and sugary beverages deliver calories with very little nutrition. Between every alcoholic or sugary beverage, drink a glass of water or enjoy some sparkling water with fresh lemon throughout the night. Try making my favourite festive drink for your next gathering!
- Enjoy your Holidays! Don’t forget to enjoy your favourite festive foods in moderation.
For the latest news and information about nutrition, follow me on Twitter @Groundedcoach, Instagram @Groundedcoach, or Facebook GroundedCoach!
Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and moving towards living the grounded life in 2017!
Emily Fitzgeald, MScFN, RD
Nutrition Coach