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This group coaching workshop is for clients of the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation who have met with their Cancer Coach and feel this opportunity will provide the support they are looking for at this time.

Recent studies at Harvard University suggest that meditation physically changes your brain’s gray matter for the better. A regular meditation practice may include improvements in memory, sense of self, empathy and stress.

This 4 week meditation workshop will assist you with: strengthening and expanding your personal meditation practice, learning different approaches to meditation, how to transform your response to stress, and ways to access your inner resources for relaxation and rejuvenation. Each 60-minute session includes a discussion on the benefits of that type of meditation, a brief and gentle physical yoga practice, an opportunity to practice the meditation, as well as group discussion/question time. Facilitated by the Director of PranaShanti Yoga Centre Devinder Kaur.

Next offering: Wednesdays, April 4th to 25th from 1:00 to 2:00pm

Location: 1500 Alta Vista Drive – Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation

Cost: $75

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