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The ‘ringing of the bell’ at the cancer centre marks the completion of active treatment, but the weeks and months after treatment ends can be an unexpectedly challenging time for cancer survivors. Here at the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation, we provide individual and group coaching throughout the cancer journey. Many of the cancer survivors we work with describe a drop in self-esteem, feelings of isolation, and difficulty with decision-making after treatment has ended. They often feel pressure to get back to “normal” life, while still coming to terms with the new normal of life after cancer. Plunging back into work and social relationships and responsibilities can feel overwhelming when you are still healing mind, body and spirit.

In order to address these needs the Cancer Foundation has developed a two-day retreat for women called After the Bell.  The retreat includes group coaching on coping with stress, time management, brain fog, coping with long term side effects, body image, sexuality, decision making, return to work, fear of the future, moving forward with meaning, reconciling relationships, nutrition, and the opportunity to explore Reiki, laughter yoga, art, dance, meditation, cancer prevention, skin care and more.

After the Bell is currently available for women who have completed their cancer treatment. If you would like to spend some time reconnecting with yourself, and connecting with others who have shared a similar experience, this retreat could be right for you.

Next offering: to be determined.

Location: 1500 Alta Vista Drive – Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation

Cost: $220

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