Resuming Reiki, at a Distance
With the health and well being of our clients always in mind, we are pleased to share that we will be able to resume offering certain Reiki services to our Cancer Coaching clients this fall.
This is because some types of Reiki can happen from a distance: though the Maplesoft-GumDocs Centre for Cancer Survivorship remains closed to the public, our Reiki volunteers can provide a form of Reiki where both client and practitioner remain in the safety of their own homes.
Reiki is an individual practice of energy focus. It helps create a state of deep relaxation, which triggers the Para-Sympathetic Nervous System and awakens the body’s internal ability to heal. For some people Reiki is spiritual, for others it is physical, and for many it is both.
Most people who have received or heard of Reiki might think it only works if the practitioner is right there next to them, but more advanced levels of Reiki training actually show practitioners how to provide Reiki to someone who could be miles away. Client and practitioner still communicate about their intentions for the service and arrange a date and time for the Reiki to be administered, they are simply not in the same room when it happens.
And many have reported that this form of Reiki can still have amazing benefits like increased feelings of relaxation, happiness, empowerment, and ease.
When the COVID-19 pandemic began in March, for the safety of our clients and our Reiki volunteers, we had to put all of our Reiki services on hold. Since safety is still our top priority and our volunteers have been eager to help in any way they can, they graciously reached out to offer this type of socially-distanced Reiki to our clients in place of in-person Reiki sessions.
If you are unsure of whether or not distance Reiki is worth a try, rest assured that it will be available free of charge to our Cancer Coaching clients this fall. However, you are always welcome to make a donation to the Cancer Foundation if you are able (a tax receipt would be provided).
Below is a list of our Reiki volunteers, along with their availability and contact information.
Volunteer Name | Availability | Email Address | Phone Number |
Ariane Couture | Tuesday evenings | ariane.couture@gmail.com | 613-816-2480 |
Sylvain Thibodeau | Flexible | sylthibo@gmail.com | |
James Doull | Tuesday afternoons (1:00pm – 3:30pm) | jdoull@bell.net | |
Yvette Lamothe | Flexible (beginning September 14) | yvettelamothe@gmail.com |
Please feel free to reach out to the practitioner you wish to work with directly. If you have any questions, send us an email at coaching@ottawacancer.ca.