Canada’s New & Improved Food Guide: A Dietitian and Cancer Nutrition Coach Weighs In
There’s been a lot of buzz surrounding Canada’s food guide this week, as a new and improved version was released on Tuesday featuring some pretty big changes. The new guide takes a revolutionized approach to both the foods we eat and how we should be eating them, and it has been met with mixed reactions […]

Pass the Pumpkin Please!
October is finally here which means it is pumpkin season! At this time of year, we find ourselves surrounded by pumpkin-flavoured treats such as pumpkin bread, muffins, cookies, pie and lattes. A lot of the time, these pumpkin treats are filled with added sugars, unhealthy fats and empty calories. Although, pumpkin itself is a healthy […]

Back to School Nutrition
The summer has flown by and it’s now September! The thought that commonly comes along with this month is, what will I pack the kids for lunch this school year?! I’m sure most of you have experienced the packed lunch coming home uneaten or hearing (or not hearing) that it ended up in the garbage […]