Canada’s New & Improved Food Guide: A Dietitian and Cancer Nutrition Coach Weighs In
January 25th 2019
There’s been a lot of buzz surrounding Canada’s food guide this week, as a new and improved version was released on Tuesday featuring some pretty big changes. The new guide takes a revolutionized approach to both the foods we eat and how we should be eating them, and it has been met with mixed reactions […]

Pass the Pumpkin Please!
October 1st 2016
October is finally here which means it is pumpkin season! At this time of year, we find ourselves surrounded by pumpkin-flavoured treats such as pumpkin bread, muffins, cookies, pie and lattes. A lot of the time, these pumpkin treats are filled with added sugars, unhealthy fats and empty calories. Although, pumpkin itself is a healthy […]