Save Serious Time this Summer with these Healthy Snack Ideas!
The school year is coming to an end, and you know what that means…summer vacation! With pool parties, days at the park, and summer camps just on the horizon, it can be tricky to find time to come up with nutritious snack ideas for the kids. To give you a bit of a leg-up on […]

Let’s Celebrate Heart Month!
Did you know that Valentine’s Day isn’t the only “heart holiday” you can celebrate in February? It’s also heart month! And, what better way to recognize it than to learn how to protect one of your most valuable organs. Every hour about 12 Canadians die of heart disease, making it the second leading cause of […]

Canada’s New & Improved Food Guide: A Dietitian and Cancer Nutrition Coach Weighs In
There’s been a lot of buzz surrounding Canada’s food guide this week, as a new and improved version was released on Tuesday featuring some pretty big changes. The new guide takes a revolutionized approach to both the foods we eat and how we should be eating them, and it has been met with mixed reactions […]

Nutrition Tips to Manage Treatment Side Effects
Nutrition plays an important role each step of the cancer journey. Good nutrition can help you maintain your body weight, decrease the risk of infection, improve your strength and energy, and assist your body in healing. Everyone’s journey is unique and so are the symptoms they experience. Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, dry mouth, bloating, […]

Produce for the Seasons
Spring is in full swing – the weather is improving, the days are getting longer, and our fruits and vegetables are more flavourful! We are lucky to have access to almost any fruit and vegetable all year round. However, seasonal produce has many benefits including lower food costs, better flavour, a wide variety and […]

Balance your Smoothie!
Smoothies are refreshing, convenient and nutritious meals or snacks on-the-go. One of my favourite things about smoothies are the endless possibilities! Not to mention, they’re a great way to use up the odds and ends left over in your fridge or freezer. To be honest, this is how I came up with my berry […]
Spice Things up this New Year!
It’s that time of the year again! With the New Year often comes a desire for a fresh start or just change in general, and so you’re probably starting to hear conversations about New Year’s resolution plans amongst your family, friends and co-workers. Common themes seem to arise year after year, and we all know […]

Fall for Fibre
Let’s talk fibre. Recently, fibre has become one of the most talked about nutrients in food blogs and food guides alike. It’s an essential nutrient, but does anyone really get enough? Canadian adult women need 25 grams per day and adult men need 38 grams of fibre per day[1]. However, most Canadians only get half […]

Back to School Survival: Meal Prep Made Easy
With summer coming to an end, this can only mean one thing for parents: back to school madness! Between early mornings and shuttling kids to soccer practice and music lessons after school, making time to prepare nutritious and delicious meals for your children may seem nearly impossible, not to mention trying to adhere to the […]

Beat the Heat: 5 Ways to Eat Healthy This Summer
Summertime is synonymous with patio drinks, barbeques, pool parties and other indulgences that arise when the good weather shows up. These temptations may make it more difficult to stay healthy during the summer months. Whether you’re at home or taking some time to travel this season, here are 5 helpful tips on how to stay […]