New Workshops: Naturopathic Medicine in Integrative Cancer Care
Are you curious about Naturopathic medicine and how it can be used in cancer care? Join us in April or May for a virtual workshop with Jennifer Tang on Naturopathic Medicine in Integrative Cancer Care.
Presentation Dates: Tuesday April 27 at 6:30pm or Thursday May 27 at 6:30pm.
Cost: Free!
About the Presenter: Jennifer Tang holds a doctorate in naturopathic medicine, and is pending licensure at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. She completed her undergraduate studies in science at McMaster University, specializing in biology and genetics, and has extensive experience working in integrative cancer care and women’s health. Jennifer has long enjoyed incorporating her strong science background in molecular biology and evidence-based research to naturopathic medicine and principles: she currently works at the Marsden Centre and will commence her residency program as soon as she receives her license.
Jennifer is dedicated to helping individuals in collaborative cancer care and women’s health. Her drive and ambition was sparked at a young age when she had to prioritize her own health concerns, which were not addressed until she discovered naturopathic medicine. Jennifer’s goal is not only to help individuals achieve optimal health, but to empower and advocate for them along the way, helping them to delve into a lifestyle and mindset they can truly fall in love with!
Ready to sign up? Contact Stephanie Woodard at swoodard@ottawacancer.ca or by calling 613-247-1920 ext. 222.