Stories of how your support changes and saves lives

Why is now the best time for you to support clinical trials in Ottawa?

HINT: You’ll see significant breakthroughs in the next 5-10 years.

“We run a considerable number of clinical trials at the Cancer Centre, here at the Ottawa Hospital,” says Dr. Shawn Malone. “We’ve had a tremendous amount of breakthroughs in a variety of cancers over the past decade.”

You play a major role and Dr. Malone is quick to point out how your donations make these breakthroughs happen.

“We’ve had great support from all of you in our community through your donations to the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation,” he says. “Your gifts support some developmental research going into the trials and the trials themselves.”

Revealed: the secret language in your pathology report

Cancer Coaches and pathologists can now work together to help patients better understand their cancer diagnosis

“Your life could change drastically depending on what I see on one of those slides behind me,” says Dr. Jason Wasserman, pointing at pathology slides in his office at The Ottawa Hospital. Dr. Wasserman wanted to fi nd a way to help cancer patients read and understand their pathology report in layman’s terms. “Our diagnosis is delivered through your oncologist, surgeon or family doc,” he says. “And our findings and medical terms can be confusing and difficult for anyone to understand.”

It was this “patient-centered” thinking that led Dr. Wasserman to creating, a website geared toward helping patients, families and physicians better understand their pathology results. And now, working directly  with Cancer Coaches at the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation, Dr. Wasserman is able to refine the website based on feedback from the Coaches and their clients.

What does your daily coffee have to do with cancer care in Ottawa?

This monthly donor traded his morning cuppa for a gift to honour his dad

You may recognize Walter Robinson’s name. You may know him from his high profile political and community work, or you may have seen him literally fighting for better community resources at Fight For The Cure, which he now emcees. The decade-plus legacy of Fight For the Cure and his previous fundraising for various Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation running events over the past twenty years puts his direct contribution at more than $100,000.

What you may not know is that Walter is also a monthly donor. Walter began supporting the Cancer Foundation after being personally touched by cancer.

“My monthly donation – which costs me less than a daily latte – makes a lasting impact. Ultimately, legacy is not what you leave for people, it’s what you leave in people. It’s how you build a community.”
– Walter Robinson

The right gym makes all the difference

Pain alleviation, fewer side effects, more energy – these are just a few of the benefits regular exercise can bring for someone who is facing cancer. However, many find they can’t follow the same workout regimen they enjoyed before their diagnosis.

But thanks to your generosity, the guesswork is now gone. Your support for Cancer Coaching and community outreach has helped the Cancer Foundation partner with the RA Centre,  Ottawa’s largest member supported not-for-profit multisport, recreation and leisure facility. Working with Cancer Coaches, the RA Centre and its team of fitness professionals are designing progressive and adaptive fitness programs specifically made for those undergoing cancer treatment.

Brenda Hamm, Senior Manager of LifeFIT Canada, is a cancer survivor herself. Erin Nelson, Senior Coordinator of LifeFIT at the RA Centre, lost one of her closest friends to the disease in July. When you talk to them about what they do, you can see that it’s not their job: it’s their calling.

“We are thrilled to be part of improving health-related fitness and quality of life in cancer survivors and believe that exercise programs are an essential component of cancer care,” says Brenda.

“Just as your cancer experience is unique to you, your wellness plan will also be yours alone.”
– Erin Nelson, Coordinator, LifeFIT Canada at the RA Centre.

LifeFIT gym memberships are available at a special rate for Cancer Coaching clients and their support families along with modified fitness programs for cancer survivors. For more information go to You can also contact any of the Cancer Coaches at 613-247-3527 or email

YOU have done wonders...Thank you!

Your 2018-2019 impact – by the numbers

You belong to a family of more than 15,000 heroes in our community who strive to offer the best care to our loved ones. This year, you’ve raised $4,116,802 to support local families facing cancer. Whether a family wants help with their practical, mental or spiritual needs by meeting with a Cancer Coach, or they require access to the latest clinical trials and research, you are here to help!

Here’s a snapshot of your impact by the numbers in the fiscal year 2018-2019. Look out for a more in depth gratitude report, coming your way later this fall.

Your dollars are changing lives

You’ve supported:

Patients, survivors, and their caregivers weigh in

"I have decreased feelings of uncertainty."
"I am more confident in my ability to make and sustain healthy lifestyle changes."
"I am better able to help myself; I have a voice and I am heard."

Source: 2018-2019 Client Satisfaction Survey

“I began to feel less lonely, regained hope, and started to learn how to live my cancer adventure my way.”
– Sandi 

“I was given tools to cope, encouraged to create goals, and challenged to get my new life in order. Now, I feel invincible.”
– Karen

I received hope, support, compassion, expert advice, grounding, encouragement, and above all, a renewed confidence in myself.”
– Dora