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The Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation provides Cancer Coaching programs and services to people who have been directly impacted by cancer, from the day of diagnosis, through treatment and for the rest of their lives. A variety of service providers, staff, students and volunteers delivering this health service offer holistic, personalized, person-centered Cancer Coaching and are committed to providing services of the highest quality. In order to provide you with information, support and practical tools, your personal and health information may be shared among those service providers, staff, students and volunteers who are directly involved with your care and support. Sharing of personal and health information is done only when necessary and only as appropriate for the provision of quality service.

All Foundation and community health partners, service providers, staff, students and volunteers are committed to maintaining and protecting the confidentiality of your personal and health information in accordance with Ontario’s Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) and the Federal Personal Information and Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), to the extent it applies to the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation.

Types of information we collect

The Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation may collect the following types of personal and health information from you:

  • Your name, address, telephone, e-mail address, identification and health care numbers
  • Demographic information (age, gender, date of birth, language, ethnicity, living arrangements, education, income level)
  • Medical, social, or other health information (including eligibility for health care funding) and records of the health care we provide to you at the Centre
  • Family members and contacts

How we use your information

The Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation may use your personal and health information in a number of ways:

  • To provide you with Cancer Coaching, health and wellness related programs and products and other appropriate services.
  • To educate our staff members, students and volunteers
  • To help us plan programs and services, or evaluate the quality of our services
  • To share third party health and wellness related products and services which we believe may be of interest to you
  • With your implied consent, to contact you regarding upcoming events and inform you about how you may choose to be involved with the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation
  • With your express consent, to undertake research projects (for example, to measure the impact of our programs)

Demographic information is stored and used solely in a non-identifiable and aggregate format for use in assisting us to allocate funding and resources to our programs and services.

Disclosure of your information

In accordance with PHIPA, the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation generally will assume that you consent to the sharing of your personal and health information for the purpose of providing health care to you, with other health information custodians who become part of your health care team (e.g. health care providers at hospitals, health care agencies, etc.). For example, if you agree to a referral to a professional outside of the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation, your information relevant to that referral will be sent to that professional.

You have the right to instruct us not to share any part of your personal and health information with other health care providers.

Unless we have obtained your express consent, we will not disclose your personal and health information to persons or agencies that are not involved in providing health care to you (i.e. non-custodians), nor will we disclose your personal and health information to other health information custodians for a purpose other than health care (e.g. marketing, research). We may, however, disclose your personal and health information without your express consent in certain exceptional circumstances identified within PHIPA, including for example:

  • to contact a relative or friend of an individual who is injured, incapacitated, ill or unable to give consent personally;
  • to eliminate or reduce a significant risk of serious bodily harm to any person or the public;
  • for any purpose as required or permitted by law.

Access, correction, and withdrawal of consent

You may request access to your own personal and health information that we have collected from you, by making a request either verbally or in writing. We may refuse access in limited situations, including where:

  • The information in question is subject to a legal privilege;
  • Disclosure of the information could reasonably be expected to result in a risk of serious bodily harm to a person;
  • The information was collected as part of an investigation;
  • Another law prohibits the disclosure of the information.

You are also entitled to make corrections to your information that we hold about you. You are entitled to withdraw your consent (whether implied or express) for the collection, use or disclosure of your personal and health information by providing notice to us, however, the withdrawal will not apply retroactively.

how to obtain more information

You may instruct us not to share your personal and health information with other health care providers, or notify us of a request for access, correction or withdrawal of consent, or raise any concerns regarding our information practices by contacting us at:


Last revised:June 12, 2017