Grab your tickets for Laugh for the Cure—because a night of comedy is just what the doctor ordered!

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We need your help so that we can continue to help local families.

While it has turned the entire world upside down, the COVID-19 pandemic has been especially tough for families facing cancer. Cancer patients are more likely to experience severe illness if they contract COVID-19, and are also facing:

  • cancelled surgeries
  • deferred treatments
  • increased anxiety about their health and wellbeing

While more and more families are leaning on our Cancer Coaches to help them find answers and coping strategies during these challenging times, the increased need is straining our staff, technology, and other resources.

We need your help to make sure that everyone who needs the help of a Cancer Coach can get it.

What is the Giving Tuesday Global Day of Action?

Giving Tuesday Now

#GivingTuesdayNow is a global day of giving and unity that will take place on May 5, 2020 as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19.

“Together we help, together we heal, together we give.”

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