Volunteering ops that give back…and then some!
The Cancer Foundation has partnered with The Color Run, Spartan Race, and Rock ‘n’ Roll Oasis Montreal to offer exciting ways to give back this summer!
[header4]The Color Run[/header4]
1. Become a Volunteer!
For each volunteer that signs up on our behalf, the Cancer Foundation will receive $40 to support cancer care in our community –what an easy, fun, and rewarding way to give back! Contact Sam DeVries at sdevries@ottawacancer.ca for more information!
- Volunteer Roles: The roles range from 6:30 am to noon. The roles are: Check in, Colour Zones, Course Water Stations, Start, Finish Line, Finish Line Water, Stage/Festival and Runicorn
2. Join the Cancer Champions Team!
If you are interested in participating in this challenge event in support of the Cancer Foundation, please follow these simple steps:
- Register for your race on their site http://ca.thecolorrun.com/locations/ottawa/
- Once you’ve registered for the race, register your fundraising page on the Cancer Foundation Fundraising site to create your own personal fundraising page. Here, you’ll be able to share your reasoning for supporting us while preparing for your race!
- Date: July 15 2017
- Location: Rideau Carleton Raceway, 4837 Albion Rd, Gloucester, ON K1X 1A3
[header4]Spartan Race[/header4]
1. Become a Volunteer!
For each volunteer that signs up on our behalf, the Cancer Foundation will receive $15 to support cancer care in our community –what an easy, fun, and rewarding way to give back! Contact Sam DeVries at sdevries@ottawacancer.ca for more information!
- Volunteer Roles: The roles range from 6:30 am to noon. The roles are: Check in, Colour Zones, Course Water Stations, Start, Finish Line, Finish Line Water, Stage/Festival and Runicorn There are different roles to choose from which range from 5:30am to 9pm : Load in, course build, registration, Aroo breakdown crew, kids race, festival, course and obstacle captains, course marshal, parking, course tear down, load out, course sweep. All volunteers will receive a free t-shirt and a free food and drinks!
2. Join the Cancer Champions Team!
If you are interested in participating in this challenge event in support of the Cancer Foundation, please follow these simple steps:
- Register for your race on their site http://www.spartanrace.ca/en/race/detail/2549/overview
- Once you’ve registered for the race, register your fundraising page on the Cancer Foundation Fundraising site to create your own personal fundraising page. Here, you’ll be able to share your reasoning for supporting us while preparing for your race!
- Date: Aug 5-6 2017
- Location: Calabogie Peaks, Calabogie Ontario
[header4]Rock ‘n’ Roll Oasis Montreal Marathon & 1/2 Marathon[/header4]
These tickets are for the full marathon (Value of $129.99), and the Half Marathon (Value of $119.99). To qualify for these tickets as fundraisers, please e-mail events@ottawacancer.ca
If you are interested in participating in this challenge event in support of the Cancer Foundation, please follow these 2 simple steps:
- Register for your race on their site: http://www.runrocknroll.com/montreal/
- Register on the Cancer Foundation Fundraising site to create your own personal fundraising page. Here, you’ll be able to share your reasoning for supporting us while preparing for your race!
- Date: September 23-24
- Location: Place Bonaventure, 800, de La Gauchetière West, Montreal