Fall for Fibre
Let’s talk fibre. Recently, fibre has become one of the most talked about nutrients in food blogs and food guides alike. It’s an essential nutrient, but does anyone really get enough? Canadian adult women need 25 grams per day and adult men need 38 grams of fibre per day[1]. However, most Canadians only get half […]

Beat the Treat
Every Halloween, kids get decked out in their favourite costumes and prepare for the trek around the neighbourhood with one thing in mind: candy…and more candy! In October alone, Canadians buy more than $355 million worth of candy for this much anticipated holiday1. While dentists may rejoice, parents recoil at how much candy and chocolate […]

Back to School Survival: Meal Prep Made Easy
With summer coming to an end, this can only mean one thing for parents: back to school madness! Between early mornings and shuttling kids to soccer practice and music lessons after school, making time to prepare nutritious and delicious meals for your children may seem nearly impossible, not to mention trying to adhere to the […]

Beat the Heat: 5 Ways to Eat Healthy This Summer
Summertime is synonymous with patio drinks, barbeques, pool parties and other indulgences that arise when the good weather shows up. These temptations may make it more difficult to stay healthy during the summer months. Whether you’re at home or taking some time to travel this season, here are 5 helpful tips on how to stay […]

’Tis the Season to Buy Local
Summertime is finally here, and for me that means weekend trips to the local farmers’ market. The farmers’ market is a great place to buy local produce, fresh herbs, legumes, grains, cheese and more. Best of all, you’re always guaranteed to find the freshest of what’s in season! With an abundance of fruits and vegetables […]