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Fall for Fibre

Let’s talk fibre. Recently, fibre has become one of the most talked about nutrients in food blogs and food guides alike. It’s an essential nutrient, but does anyone really get enough? Canadian adult women need 25 grams per day and adult men need 38 grams of fibre per day[1]. However, most Canadians only get half the daily fibre they need. The good news is, from apples to lentils, fibre can easily be added to our diets.


The Basics

Fibre is a carbohydrate that cannot be digested. You may have heard there are two types of fibre: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fibre helps control blood glucose (sugars), lower your cholesterol, and may help decrease your risk of developing colon cancer[2]. You can find soluble fibre in oats, legumes, and some vegetables and fruits. Insoluble fibre, on the other hand, helps keep you regular, plain and simple! You can find insoluble fibre in whole grains, whole bran, and some fruits and vegetables.

How do I add more fibre to my diet?

Here are a few tips to add more soluble and insoluble fibre to your diet:

  • Start your day with a high fibre cereal that has more than 4g of fibre per serving
  • Eat whole fruits and vegetables instead of juice
  • Use hummus as a dip for your veggies or spread it on a flat bread for a quick, easy, high-fibre snack
  • Add legumes to soups and casseroles or try our delicious lentil curry
  • Mix some sunflower seeds, flaxseeds or slivered almonds in to your oatmeal or yogurt or try making our granola recipe
  • Choose brown rice and whole grain bread and pasta, as opposed to white bread, pasta and rice

For a handy guide on how much fibre is in your food, check out Health Link BC’s handy chart:

For more individualized tips on how to ensure you’re getting enough fibre and other nutrients, check out our one-on-one nutrition coaching consultations!

Stay Grounded,



Written in collaboration with Samantha Nesrallah, RD, MPH, Nutrition Volunteer

