A Legacy of Hope
Drew Lyall and his family at Arthur’s Seat in Scotland Drew Lyall found strength and comfort in knowing his gift would help others. The news was devastating. After living cancer-free for five years, Drew Lyall’s melanoma had returned. This time it had metastasized to the bone. “He went into treatment but we knew we were […]

Jazz musician set to take stage at Lumière Charity Gala
For Anne Lewis, music has always held a very special place in her heart. “My father was my biggest influence,” she shares. “He was in the Air Force and really enjoyed the military big brass band sound. He would always bring home albums and I remember watching my parents dance. They loved music, and I […]

Getting Through Cancer “My Way”
Photo by Tanja Webster Coining it as her “Cancer Adventure,” Sändi Webster has been down a winding road since she was first diagnosed with cancer in the spring of 2014. After finishing treatment, she found it difficult to process the changes in her life and to continue moving forward with her physical and emotional recovery. When Sändi […]

The Tragically Hip: What Gord Downie’s Courage Means to One Cancer Survivor
Denis Raymond captures a moment featuring one of Gord Downie’s iconic hats. You’ve probably heard the latest on the Tragically Hip: lead singer Gord Downie was recently diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer, spurring the band to go on a final tour across Canada. His diagnosis is the same as our very own Cancer […]

Valecraft Homes Take Cancer Care to Heart
[header6]Valecraft Homes, known for their community involvement, furthered their continued support of local cancer care this summer.[/header6] As a long-time supporter of the Cancer Foundation, Valecraft sent a team to see how their generous contributions improve the lives of individuals and their loved ones affected by cancer in Ottawa. A dozen employees from Valecraft Homes […]

Save the Date!
Once again this September, the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation is holding a special information session on estate planning entitled I Have a Will: Ensuring my wishes for family and charity. If you are planning to update your will soon or considering the benefits of including a charitable gift in your will or other estate plans, […]

Why Jordana Vered is Participating in the EPIC Walk for Cancer Care
My Dad was never going to be a cancer survivor. He was determined to be a Cancer Champion, a new term he introduced to the cancer lexicon. He said that survivor only applies to one result, but champion applies to both results, because you can be a champion even in defeat. It provides a lot […]

Christina’s Run for Cancer
When I reached the 2k mark, the downpour had completely stopped, and the unbearable heat once again enveloped all the runners and walkers. The air became thicker, almost putrid, and I started to wonder why I was putting myself through this. I had injured my foot prior to the run, and the past few months I […]

Sacrificing his braid in honour of his warrior brothers
“I find it very difficult to see so many people, family and friends go through this battle and not be able to fight with them.” – Peter Masson How many of us have felt like this? I have. And if you know someone who’s faced cancer, someone you care about, then you’ve felt it, too. […]

Race Weekend Fitness Tips
Here you are days away from the big weekend. You’ve made the decision to participate in this year’s event, registered for your race, trained to achieve your goal, lined up your sponsors and supporters, and now it’s almost go time! As race day approaches, here are a few helpful fitness tips. The Day Before the […]