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Hockey Pool Funds Local Research for Prostate Cancer

In June of 2014, at 49 years old, Toni Guimaraes – father, local business owner, and dear friend to many – learned that he had advanced prostate cancer.

“I’ve tried it all,” he writes, “chemotherapy, hormone therapy, oral chemo and aggressive surgery. Still, I had a quick recurrence and I’m back for more chemo. It’s unpleasant – but I do have a lot of time to think.”

“The battle is real,” Toni says. Once a cancer has metastasized outside the prostate, survival rates beyond 5 years drop to 28%. Feeling the need to make the best out of a bad situation, Toni decided to raise money for research in prostate cancer so his friends would never have to suffer his fate.

Since Toni loves hockey and hates cancer, he turned to the annual hockey pool for his business, Altis-ExcelHR, to help fight the disease.

The annual Altis-ExcelHR hockey pool raises money through entry fees, sponsorships, and matching donations. The lucky winners get the jackpot prize equal to the value of all the entry fees combined. Last year’s winner netted over $2,000; this year’s jackpot was well over $7,000.

The wow-factor?

Toni’s pool also raised well over $52,000 from generous corporate sponsors and matching donations. That funding was given to the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation, where it will go directly towards clinical trials in prostate cancer under the direction of Dr. Chris Morash to help provide new treatment options to local cancer patients. Now that’s a success story!

The Cancer Foundation as well as the patients who will benefit from these funds are truly grateful to Toni, to the participants of the Altis-ExcelHR pool, and to the many sponsors and donors, especially 1251 Capital Group, Claridge Homes, Luigi Aiello of Royal Lepage Gale Realty, Richcraft Group, Roca Homes, and the Taggart Parkes Foundation.

As he continues to battle his cancer, Toni hopes more men will take his advice:

“Go for your check-ups. Insist on a biopsy if you’re unsure or feel any pain. If your doctor is unsure or overly confident, find another one. Be your own advocate for your health.”

If you’d like to support Toni and ensure, as he says, that his story isn’t a sad one, you can donate on his webpage.

[btnr link=”” target=”” ]Toni’s Webpage[/btnr]