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The Multi-Faith Hall is located in the healing section of the Maplesoft-Jones Center of the Cancer Foundation. It is made available to clients of the Cancer Foundation of all religions and spiritualities as well as to those seeking peace. La Salle provides a relaxing environment for prayer, meditation and silent reflection.

You can book the Room:
  • in order to guarantee respect for your privacy;
  • to meet a small group of other clients or your family and friends;
  • to have a place to meet your cancer coach, or;
  • in order to have a place to meet a religious or spiritual leader in your community.
Some main characteristics of the Hall:
  • There is a shoe rack and hooks in the room. Before using this one, please remove any shoes worn outside.
  • Wash basins are available in the men’s and women’s washrooms on the lower level; you can find them in the accessible shower stall.
  • In the cupboard are placed at your disposal a variety of writings, and spiritual or religious supplies. Please note that these items must remain in the Room.
  • You will find a good number of battery operated candles in the cupboards for you to use.
  • Meditation and cylindrical cushions as well as yoga mats are offered in the room.

Customers who wish to perform a smoke or pipe cleansing ceremony, or who wish to light a qulliq, are asked to contact us so that we can make arrangements with them.

To reserve the Multi-Faith Hall, please call 613-247-3527.