Devenez bénévole
Faites don de votre temps
Tissez des liens et mettez à profit vos compétences uniques pour soutenir les personnes qui vivent avec le cancer dans notre communauté.
Quels moyens prendrez-vous pour avoir un impact unique?
Faire du bénévolat est un moyen d’avoir un impact positif sur la vie des membres de notre communauté. En rejoignant notre programme de bénévolat, vous aurez la chance de contribuer au bien-être et au confort des personnes atteintes du cancer, de leur famille et de leurs proches aidant es, et vous jouerez un rôle essentiel en nous épaulant dans notre mission.

Postes de bénévoles actuellement disponibles
As a front desk concierge volunteer at the Community Cancer Hub, you will greet and assist visitors, providing a welcoming and supportive atmosphere for patients, families, and guests. This role involves answering phone calls, directing inquiries, and sharing information about available resources. You’ll also assist with administrative tasks and help maintain a neat and organized front desk area. The position requires an in-person commitment of at least four months, with shifts on Mondays from 11:30 am to 3:30 pm, Thursdays from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, and Saturdays from 8:45 am to 12:15 pm.
As a Meal Prep Assistant at the Community Cancer Hub, you will collaborate with the kitchen team to prepare nutritious meals that are part of the nutrition and social programming for those affected by cancer and their loved ones. In this role, you’ll follow food safety and hygiene guidelines, assist with meal planning, chopping, cooking, and serving, and ensure a clean and organized kitchen environment. This in-person position requires a minimum four-month commitment, with weekly shifts on Wednesdays from 10:00 am–2:00 pm and twice-monthly shifts on the first two Tuesdays of each month from 3:00–6:30 pm.
As a Volunteer Peer-Led Facilitator at the Community Cancer Hub, you’ll have the opportunity to share a special skill or hobby by leading supportive sessions for individuals affected by cancer. In this role, you’ll create a safe and welcoming environment for participants to share experiences and resources while facilitating group activities that bring people together. Responsibilities include planning sessions, fostering a positive group dynamic, and maintaining confidentiality and ethical standards in all interactions. Strong interpersonal and communication skills are essential, along with the ability to manage group discussions effectively. This role requires availability for regular sessions (frequency to be determined), with group options such as a knitting group, crafting group, tea and coffee drop-in, walking group, book club, writing group, reiki, sound healing, meditation, and more.
As a volunteer for fundraising special events, you will participate in the execution of various fundraising activities for our charitable organization. You will collaborate with the event planning team to coordinate logistics, assist with set-up and tear-down, and help with guest registration and ticketing to ensure a smooth event experience. Volunteers will have the opportunity to be involved in a range of events, such as Fight for the Cure, Laugh for the Cure, Breakfast of Champions, Lemonade Standemonium, Galas, Marathons, Walks, and more.