Ottawa Citizen: Kent Wilson has a passion for hockey.
In fact, the 50-year-old father of five has been coaching for more than 20 years.
But little did he know that the sport he loves would one day save his life.
“I was playing hockey with friends when I went over top of the goalie and landed on my stomach,” Wilson said. “I didn’t think anything of it at first, but when I got home I noticed some bleeding.”
That bleeding lasted for a couple of days, prompting a trip to the emergency room.
Doctors used a scope to try to find out what was causing the bleeding and, on Dec. 18, Wilson received news that would change his life. He was diagnosed with bladder cancer.
“I was just not anticipating that news. There was no talk of cancer,” he said. “It was definitely a shocker when the doctor came in and said my bladder was full of tumours.”
Wilson was in and out of hospital for the next couple of weeks. His family spent the holidays at his bedside while doctors worked to stop the bleeding and remove the tumours.
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