Cancer Champions Brealfast – More than $300,000 raised (Article)

May 20 / 2015

Alison Sandor, CFRA News: Community leaders, doctors and cancer survivors raised more than $303,000 Wednesday morning, at the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation’s annual Cancer Champions Breakfast.

More than 400 people attended the event to fund clinical trials and the Cancer Coaching Program.

Linda Eagen, the president and CEO of the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation told CFRA the program provides one-on-one support for people who are touched with cancer.

“The needs are so varied because each person is different,” she said. “You may need supports at a financial level, at a practical level. You might want to be better able to understand what’s available in our community in terms of resources. What can help me be a lean, mean cancer fighting machine or how can I better communicate with my team of medical professionals?”

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