Are You Interested in Taking Part in an Exercise Research Study?
In addition to providing funding for local research, clinical trials, and Cancer Coaching, the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation also supports local university students by helping recruit participants for their important research studies. If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with cancer, you may be eligible to participate in one of the following studies:
- Physical Activity Counselling for Young Adult Cancer Survivors:
Are you a young adult cancer survivor between 18-39 years of age? Have you completed primary treatment for cancer less than 5 years ago? Do you have access to videoconferencing technology (Skype, Google Hangouts, FaceTime…)?
Many young adults report changes in their physical and psychological health after treatment for cancer. Although physical activity can offer physical and mental health benefits, most young adult cancer survivors are not very active. In this study, we aim to test if a behaviour support intervention delivered via videoconferencing is feasible and acceptable to young adult cancer survivors, and if the intervention helps to increase physical activity participation.
Taking part in this study involves:
- Participating in a 12 week behavioural support intervention designed to help increase your physical activity levels, if randomized to the intervention group.
- Attending 6 real-time one-on-one sessions (60 minutes in length) with a physical activity counsellor via videoconferencing (if you are in the intervention group)
- Completing an online survey (3 times).
- Wearing a small physical activity tracker (3 times).
- Being interviewed over the phone or via videoconferencing (1 time) over a 24 week period.
If interested please contact The Physical Activity and Health Promotion Laboratory at getactive@uottawa.ca or 613-562-5800 x 7300.
Please note, this study has received clearance from The Ottawa Hospital Research Ethics Board as well as the Research Ethics Board at the University of Ottawa.
- Canadians with Stage 4 Metastatic Cancer: Leisure Physical Activity
If you have been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer, are 18 years of age or older, are an English speaker and living in Canada, you might be interested in taking part in this study.
We want to hear from you about your thoughts and experiences with leisure physical activity, but please note, you do not need to be physically active to participate.The study will involve 1 one on-line interview of about 30-45 minutes.
For more information please email lacac.ottawa@gmail.com or the principal investigator Shirin Shallwani, University of Ottawa School of Rehabilitation Sciences at sshal076@uottawa.ca
This study has been approved by the University of Ottawa Research Ethics Board and all information obtained during the interviews will remain anonymous.
Thank you for considering taking part in one of these research studies!